How to Protect Your Teeth From Bruxism

Posted September 26, 2014 in Bruxism

Consistent morning headaches, sore jaw muscles, earaches, and unexplained wear on your teeth can often be attributed to habitually grinding your teeth, or bruxism. Bruxism most often occurs during sleep and is brought on by stress, an abnormal bite, missing teeth, or crooked teeth. An estimated eight percent of adults grind their teeth at night, and over one third of parents report symptoms of bruxism in their children.

1. Visit your dentist.

If you suspect that you habitually clench or grind your teeth, the first thing you should do is visit your dentist. Dr. Tomazin can assess your teeth and any damage that may have been done to diagnose and treat bruxism.

2. Manage stress.

If bruxism is caused by stress, you may be advised to either lessen the amount of stress in your life or to take some time to manage it. Many find that meditation, yoga, or other forms of exercise help with this. You can also place a warm washcloth below your ears to help relax your jaw muscles at night. If you clench your teeth out of habit during the day, you can help your jaw muscles relax by resting your tongue between your teeth.

3. Wear a mouthguard.

Dr. Tomazin may advise you to wear a dental splint or a mouthguard to protect your teeth from bruxism at night. While a store-bought mouthguard can be just as effective, it can shift the teeth over time. Dr. Tomazin will take an impression of your mouth to provide you with a comfortable, custom fit. If you have any chips or significant wear as a result of bruxism, Dr. Tomazin can correct these issues with bonding or porcelain veneers before your customized mouthguard is made.

4. Correct crooked or missing teeth.

If bruxism is caused by missing teeth or misaligned teeth, you should definitely get these problems corrected to prevent further damage. Consistent bruxism can wear the teeth down and cause chipped and loose teeth along with jaw pain and headaches. Dental implants are the best treatment method to replace missing teeth. They last a lifetime, are more comfortable than dentures, and do not require any special maintenance.

If you need a diagnosis or treatment for bruxism or if you would like to learn more about cosmetic dental procedures offered at Dr. Tomazin’s Riverside practice, please schedule an appointment. Call (951) 686-3666 or fill out our online contact form today. We look forward to serving you!